Matcha ice cream
Matcha Ice Cream
Refreshing and won’t make you feel too guilty. It’s also easy to make,I’m starting to wish for an ice cream maker by now,planning quite a few experiments this summer.
100 ml milk
100 ml cream
1 T sugar (or to taste or replace with honey)
1-2 T matcha (or to taste)
Heat the milk and cream in small saucepan. When hot,add the sugar and sieved matcha.
Stir and when the sugar has melted ,remove and set aside to cool.
Pour in a container and freeze. Mix it with a spoon every 3-4 hours.
10 comentarii
Buna descrierea :D….Arata delicios
Macar cu atata ma pot rasfata si eu:)
;)) Si piciul meu stramba din nas, dar cel mare e topit dupa, desi ma rugam sa nu ;)))
Azi mi-am prins fetita ca manca wasabi direct din tub:)) asa ca singurul lucru de care nu se ating a ramas matcha. Se pare ca i-am educat bine,nu?:))
Licuta Marin
As face orice pentru castronelul asta cu inghetata:))Delicioasa la maxim!Pup!
Ti-l dau cu mare drag,chit ca-i tare mic:)Pupici
maria elena
Din ingrediente simple, un deliciu mult apreciat!
Miti, ai un premiu la mine, te astept cu drag sa-l iei.
Multumesc mult,draga Maria!
I’ve yet to try matcha, love the look of this.
If it’s your first time,add little by little until you get used to the taste.