Sos de salata o mie de insule
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1/2 cana maioneza
2 linguri ketchup
1 lingura otet
2 lingurite zahar
2 lingurite de castraveti murati,taiati marunt
1 lingurita ceapa,taiata marunt
Amesteca toate ingredientele cu stick blenderul sau intr-un borcan.
Lasa sa stea cateva ore la frigider.
One of my favorites salad dressings.
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 T ketchup
1 T vinegar
2 t sugar
2 t chopped dill cukes
1 t chopped white onion
salt,pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients,using a stick blender or a blender.
Store for a few hours in the refrigerator so the flavors can blend.