Articole culinare

Greek olive bread

Baking bread is one of my latest passions. Cristina invited me to Weekend Herb Blogging and once I lay my eyes on this recipe I knew fresh oregano would be a great addition. This event was founded by Kalyn’s Kitchen  and is managed by Cook Almost Anything .

I was lucky enough to be able to grow oregano on my balcony, I love it in my marinated feta and olives as well.

Ingredients for Greek olive bread 

675 gr flour (6 cups)
2 t salt
25 gr fresh yeast
350 ml warm water (1 1/2 cup)
5 T extra virgin olive oil
175 gr black olives,cut in pieces
1 red onion (missed this one)
2 T fresh oregano ,chopped

Directions for Greek olive bread recipe

In a bowl add half water and yeast. I left mine all day on the counter but it can be used right away.
Add to flour with the rest of the water,salt and olive oil.
Cover the bowl and let aside in a warm place for one hour or until doubles in size. I left mine overnight.
Put the dough on the floured table,roll out a little and add the olive pieces. Now it’s the time to add the red onion and herbs as well.
Let aside for another hour or until doubled in size. Cover with a kitchen towel.
Bake in the preheated oven at 220 C for 35-40 until browned or until the bottom sounds hollow when tapped.

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