Articole culinare

Onion Bhaji

This is so delicious that often you turn up at the table with just a half batch, cooking requires a lot of tasting. With this Indian appetizers you just keep tasting it and tasting it, just can’t stop from tasting. It’s on my list of favs.

Ingredients for Onion Bhaji
3 big white onions
2 scallions
4 garlic cloves
100 gr flour
175 ml milk
1 1/2 T sugar
1 1/2 t salt
2 t baking powder
pinch of cayenne

How to make Onion Bhaji recipe

Chop the onions,scallions and garlic. Add the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, milk and cayenne.
Make patties with your hand and fry them in a skillet.
Serve hot.

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