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Faloodeh este desertul iranian din taitei de orez,apa de trandafiri si suc de lime sau lamaie. Servit intr-unul din bazarurile pline cu marfa exotica si te simti ca intr-o poveste din 1001 de nopti.
Se poate face chiar mai dulce,dar pentru noi asa a fost perfect.
100 gr taitei de orez
180 ml apa
125 gr zahar
2 linguri apa de trandafir
suc de lime proaspat stors
gem sau suc de visine ptr servit
fistic,petale de trandafir, menta optional ptr ornat
Din apa si zahar se face un sirop. Se amesteca aceste doua ingrediente si se pun intr-o oala pe foc.Se amesteca pana cand se topeste zaharul si se adauga apa de trandafiri.
Taiteii de orez se pun intr-un bol peste care se toarna apa fierbinte si se lasa la inmuiat 5 minute.
Se scurg taiteii si se amesteca impreuna cu siropul. Se pun intr-un bol, se taie in bucatele mai mici si se pune in congelator.
Peste o ora se scoate si se amesteca bine cu furculita si se introduce bolul inapoi in congelator.
Se repeta procesul de vreo 3-4 ori sau pana se obtine consistenta dorita.
Se pune in pahare sau boluri ptr inghetata si se serveste cu sucul de lime si sucul sau gemul de visine si alte ingrediente din lista ptr ornat
If you have in your pantry the ingredients,make sure you give this recipe a try. I’ve tried it for the first time while in Iran and it’s my first try at home,but for sure not the last one.
100 gr rice vermicelli
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
2 T rosewater
freshly squeezed lime juice
sour cherry jam or syrup to serve with
pistachio,,dried rose petals,mint leaves to garnish
Make a syrup from water,sugar and rosewater on stovetop,mixing just until sugar melted.
Add the rice noodles to a bowl and cover with boiling water. Strain and drain after five minutes.Cut the noodles in smaller pieces.
Mix the noodles with the syrup in deep bowl and place it in the freezer.
After one hour stir with a fork and return to freezer. Repeat the process 3-4 times or until you get the desired consistency.
Serve in a glass or icecream dish with freshly squeezed lime juice and sour cherry syrup or jam.Add from the list of optionals for garnishing.
3 comentarii
Licuta Marin
Ii simpt parfumul pana aici!…Un deliciu!
daca erai mai aproape te asteptam la o portie!
It is the healthy food!Not so difficult as I thought. I think I will have a try this kind od food!–It is wonderful just like the Hollister clothing!