Apple Faloodeh – Faludeh cu mere
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O adaptatie a desertului racoritor iranian faludeh, mai ales ca maruntelelor le trebuia pe moment si nu mai era timp de congelat. Faludeh este un desert rece, care se face cu taitei subtiri de orez si apa de trandafir. Am sa o execut curand,dar deocamdata va invit la varianta simpla,sanatoasa si delicioasa.
un mar mare,cu coaja sau decojit,cum va place voua…eu l-am executat de doua ori azi,o data cu si o data fara
1 lingurita de apa de trandafir
un sfert de lamaie verde
1 lingura de miere
Se da marul pe razatoare si se stoarce felia de lamaie verde,ca sa nu se oxideze.
Se adauga apa de trandafir si mierea si se amesteca.
Daca aveti rabdare si timp se poate da putin la congelator, daca nu se poate servi.
Even though these days it was a little bit too cool for this time of the year we still enjoyed this refreshing dessert,based on faloodeh,the Persian dessert with the rice vermicelli and rosewater ,which I plan to make it real soon.
one big apple,peeled or not,totally your choice
one teaspoon rosewater
a quarter of a lime
one tablespoon honey
Grate the apple and squeeze the lime, so it won’t get brown.
Add rosewater and honey and mix.
It can be frozen a little or served right away.
4 comentarii
Karen S Booth
That is an amazing photo!
Karen,thank you for the visit! I want to start working on the background from now on, the girls at kittencal’s gave me some tips already.
oh, ce pofta mi-ai facut, cautam ceva retete de tarta, dar cred ca tarta o fac maine :)), acum am altceva de facut 😛 caci pare mult prea delicios
si nici nu dureaza cat o tarta:)))