Asia,  Salate

Salata coreeana

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Chiar nu stiu daca exista o astfel de salata in Korea, am vazut ceva asemanator la bucataria japoneza si cand e mare caldura orice salata racoritoare e binevenita. Puteam sa-i spun si Salata,fiindca majoritatea condimentelor provin de la ei. Daca va place mancarea iute si este foarte cald pe unde sunteti,atunci va recomand aceasta salata…stiu eu ce spun:)
Reteta participanta la Provocarea lunii Iunie – Dulce Romanie

100 gr spaghete din cartof dulce
2 linguri de sos de soia
1/4 lingurita de ulei de susan
1 lingurita de otet balsamic
1 lingura fulgi de ardei iute gochugaru (sau dupa gust)
2 castraveti,taiati betigase
4 ridichi,taiate betigase
1 morcov,taiat betigase
1-2 cepe verzi

Mod de preparare:
Spaghetele din cartof dulce se fierb conform instructiunilor de pe pachet ,se clatesc cu apa rece si apoi se vor scurge.
Legumele se vor taia julienne (betigase),taiate astfel sunt spefice bucatariei coreene.
Se pun spaghetele si legumele intr-un bol si se adauga sosul de soia,uleiul de susan si otetul balsamic.Se presara gochugaru. Se serveste rece.

Korean Noodle Salad

Many of you might remember my complains that no foreign ingredients were available in Romania. Now I have to declare that I’m very satisfied with the choices we have,a big step in a couple of years made around here. One of the best finds is,which carries authentic Korean condiments and ingredients.  Yes,now it’s really possible to make kimchi or bulgogi at home.Even kimbap. Using their ingredients I came up with this salad,not even sure if it’s eaten in Korea,but I assume there might be something similar.

100 gr sweet potato noodles
2 T soy sauce
1/4 t sesame oil
1 T balsamic vinegar
1 T gochugaru (or for your taste),Korean chili flakes
2 cucumbers
4 radishes
1 carrot
1-2 scallions

Boil the sweet potato noodles according to instructions on the package and drain.
Cut the veggies in thin strips,julienne. Add the noddles and the veggies into a bowl and add soy sauce,sesame oil,vinegar and gochugaru. Mix and serve cold.

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