
Kimchi Bokumbop

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In coreeana,bokum inseamna prajit sau calit,iar bop inseamna orez alb fiert. Si cu acest orez sunt multe multe variante,se poate adauga si carne,un ou prajit deasupra,ceapa,usturoi,sos de soia,ulei de susan…De aceasta data am ales sa il fac numai cu kimchi si orez. Se foloseste orez gatit cu o zi in urma si care a stat la frigider,astfel e mai usor de prajit. 
Daca vreti sa incercati kimchiul gasiti AICI cum se face cu ingrediente autohtone.

2 cani de orez facut cu o zi in urma
1 cana de kimchi
1 lingura ulei
cateva picaturi de ulei de susan (optional)

Se infierbanta uleiul intr-o tigaie nonstick sau intr-un wok.Cand e fierbinte se adauga kimchiul si se caleste putin.Se adauga orezul si se amesteca.Se adauga si niste zeama de la kimchi.La sfarsit se pot adauga cateva picaturi de ulei de susan.
Kimchi Bokumbop
When I was able to make kimchi ,the first dish that I wanted to try it was this one. It’s also so in tone with the weather,add a little more spice if you wish to warm up even more.

2 cups day old rice
1 cup kimchi
1 T oil
a few drops sesame oil (optional)

Heat up the oil in a nonstick pan or in a wok. When heated up,add the kimchi and heat through.
Add the rice and keep stirring until it’s mixed well. Add a little kimchi juice if needed.
When ready,add a few drops of sesame oil.

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