Matcha Smoothie
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Acest smoothie mi-a satisfacut pofta de macha si de ceva racoritor, cu calorii putine. Macha este pudra de ceai verde, eu am o cutiuta din Japonia si sunt foarte grijulie cum o folosesc. De fapt mi-as dori sa folosesc dupa pofta inimii si sa se umple cutiuta la loc:))
8 cuburi de gheata
1 lingurita de miere de albine (cred ca ar fi fost ok si fara, dar s-ar putea sa nu fie pe gustul oricui,mie chiar imi place mult)
1 lingurita de matcha
Se mixeaza gheata. Eu am folosit intai robotul de bucatarie,apoi un blender vertical.
Se adauga matcha si mierea,se mai mixeaza putin si se serveste,ornat cu o frunza de lamaita.
Dar sa nu credeti ca m-am oprit aici, am incercat si versiunea cu lapte…Maruntica mea a ales-o pe cea cu lapte, mie mi-a placut mai mult versiunea matcha.
If you’re a matcha lover as myself you’ll enjoy this so much you’ll want to make another one. Just thinking of it, I can see a macha ice cream as well, a creamy one, all green and …yeah, I’m drolling already! Might have to make that one really soon:)))
8 big cubes of ice
1 teaspoon honey (might skip if you want just the taste of macha)
1 teaspoon matcha ( I used Japanese)
Now you’ll be really thankful for owning an ice crusher. I don’t so I use the food processor and then a stick blender.
When I got the desired crushed ice,I added the matcha and honey.
Enjoy it while you can, soon we might have to tuck in for cooler days.
I also tried adding some milk and it was really enjoyed by me little,though I’m not really sure she’s supposed to have this stuff:)) Glad to see her taste is similar to mine.
Milk macha smoothie |
15 comentarii
maria mihalache
wow…………….cat de bine arata.
ceai Macha gasesti si in Romania:
si este intr-adevar excelent. Am sa incerc si eu reteta.
Cu drag,
Licuta Marin
Super racoritor!!!
Ruxy, a fost excelent!!! Daca mi-ai fi vecina,mi-ar place sa te invit la un pahar de smoothie.
draga medi,e chiar placut gustul si am si avut nevoie de ceva racoritor.
Luciana,multumesc pentru link,cred ca mai trag putin de cutiuta mea. Ma bucur sa vad ca se gaseste acum si la noi.
A fost Licuta, dar de acuma trebuie sa am mereu gheata,maruntelele s-au cam scapat la smoothies.
Inspired by eRecipeCards
Beautiful photos… just love the whole look!
The combination sounds delicious. Thank you for submitting this to Everything worked perfect. Please consider making us a habit whenever you post anything new and of course, you are welcome to show off some of your earlier favorites as well!
Apetisant arata,cred ca tare bun,pupici!
eRecipecards,I’ll try to remember to post there too…time is a little tight these days,but I’ll do my best. I want to save some of those recipes
Draga Flory,urmeaza varianta cu zmeura…pacat ca se termina vara. te pup
Rosita Vargas
A veritable taste, refreshing and healthy, cordial embrace.
Wonderful, refreshing and healthy and delicious, all at the same time. Blessings, Catherine
Rosita,I couldn’t have said it better!Hugs
Catherine,you are so so right! have a great weekend