Ceva bun pentru Mos Nicolae
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In seara asta pregatim ghetutele si lasam cateva fursecuri pentru Mos Nicolae,care vine de la drum lung si sper eu,ca are un sac mare si greu. Ii lasam si un paharut ca sa aiba energie si sa-si continue calatoria magica.
Tonite,we’re polishing our boots and waiting for St Nicholas,who’ll fill our shoes with presents. That’s the case if we behaved,if not,we’re getting a stick to be punished with. I’m trying to sweeten him up a little and hope he thinks I was good.

2 comentarii
Licuta Marin
Yummy, numai bunatati!Pup!
Licuta,nu numai ca-s bunatati ,dar a si functionat.Mosu’ a fost multumit si a dat inapoi inzecit!