Bucataria internationala,  Desert,  Muffins

Fursecuri persane cu stafide si sofran – Persian Raisin Cookies

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Aceaste fursecuri se numara printre fursecurile noastre preferate. Sofranul e secretul acestei retete, de aceea sa folositi sofran de calitate. Nu stiu cum este cel care se gaseste la noi in comert, am noroc ca am acces la sofran persan, dar stiu ca se gasesc niste petale asemanatoare celor de sofran, dar carora le lipseste aroma.
1 cup = 1 cana de 200 ml…imi e mai usor asa decat sa incerc conversia, mi-e teama sa nu gresesc…in caz ca gresiti macar sa nu fie din vina mea:)))
1 cup unt nesarat
1 1/2 cup zahar
2 cup faina
2 oua mari
zahar vanilat
1/2 lingurita de sofran 
varf de cutit de sare
1 1/2 cup stafide
Se amesteca sau mixeaza untul cu zaharul,la care se adauga ouale,unul cate unul.
Se adauga faina,sarea,zaharul vanilat si sofranul si se amesteca pana s-au incorporat.
La sfarsit se adauga si stafidele.
Se pun bucati de aluat cu lingurita in tava si se dau la cuptorul preincalzit.
Se coc cam 10 minute, se scot din cuptor si se lasa sa se raceasca.
I’ve been making these for a long time ,they never made it to even photograph them they go so fast. As you can tell already,they’re a favorite at our household. Easy to make, the same as spoon drop cookies…that’s my fav method.
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 cup flour
2 large eggs
vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon saffron powder or strands
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cup raisins
Cream the butter with the sugar and add gradually the eggs.
Incorporate the flour,salt,saffron and vanilla extract.
In the end, add the raisins.
Spoon drop the cookies in the baking tray and bake in the preheat oven for about 10 minutes.

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