Grilled veggies
Just discovered how great veggies are on the grill!
Ingredients for grilled veggies
zucchini, green pepper,tomatoes but other veggies can be used to
oil for brushing
fresh basil and parsley
1 garlic clove
extra virgin olive oil
freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
salt and pepper,freshly grounded
How to prepare grilled veggies
Cut the veggies in round slices and grill on skewers or on the grill. Previously,brush with oil.
Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a blender.
When the veggies are done remove and serve with the sauce.
29 comentarii
Licuta Marin
Chiar daca sunt carnivora, nu refuz o portie!…Pupici!!!
Miti mi-am luat azi un mini gratar.. ca cel vechi.. hmmm era deja vechi ;))) Si tot coceam sau grillam pe wok.. dar azi m-am enervat si mi-am luat unul!! Arata super frigaruile.. pentru mine niste vinete trebuie sa fie acolo.. pe langa dovleac!! Pupici
Licuta, merg super bine si pe langa o portie de carne:))
Draga Anto,chiar nu aveam vinete ca le ador pe gratar si imi mai plac si prajite la cuptor. Dar tu cum faceai pe wok ca la ora asta nu prea functioneaza neuronii mei si nu-mi pot inchipui…Pupici si tie
Hai Dear
This looks yummy….you have a lovely blog… I have been going through your blog for hours…You have so many wonderful recipes..I have bookmarked you blog and some recipe from that to try..Please check out my blog..It is for food lovers and person who love to cook..You could find so many recipes that you can easily try at home..I update this blog on a regular basis…So please follow me and motivate me..Thank you
Ce idee buna! Pacat ca ai mei nu mananca, dar as putea sa-mi fac pentru mine o portie. Mmmmm…
Lucia ..In sfarsit e cald ……si la voi!!!! Asa o pofta mi-ai facut ,musai tre’sa-ncerc!dar eu pun mult mai mult usturoi,ca tare mi-l place gol l-as manca!Pupici multi si pentru maruntele si pentru mama lor…cum se descurca buni cu internetul?
aarthy,what a lovely name you chose for your blog. I like your recipes as well,I’ll keep you in mind if I will make chutney.
Miha, poate o sa-ti faca ai tai o surpriza placuta si se servesc si ei. Cand nu le place ceva de obicei ii ignor,dar tiptil tiptil se dau la farfuria mea:))
Draga Lucia,ce dor mi-a fost de tine! In sfarsit mi-a revenit si contul de pe yahoo. Intr-adevar a venit si la noi caldura, dar saptamana trecuta a trebuit sa fac supa atat de frig a fost. si eu sunt mare fan de usturoi! buni se descurca bine de tot…te pupam dulce.
I love grilled veggies!
Me too, Pam!
Grilled vegies are the best! Yours look delicious!
Thank you ,Sue…I’m making them again this weekend!
Spoon and Chopsticks
Nice and simple grill veg. Great accompaniment with meat.
maria mihalache
Asa ceva am facut si eu ieri, o bunatate.
O duminica placuta!
Alina---Explora Cuisine
Foarte bune si sanatoase pe deasupra! si eu fac din cand in cand 🙂 Pupici!
@spoon:Pretty soon you’ll be the one doing the grilling and I’ll be the one warming myself with a bowl of soup.
medi,stim noi cu ce sa ne delectam. o saptamana placuta sa ai
draga ruxy,si eu te iubesc pe tine…mi-e dor de tine,dar sunt putin ocupata zilele astea. dar am avut timp sa observ ca te-ai dat pe dulciuri:))
alina,ti-am admirat si eu gratarul,noroc ca e seara ca iar dadeau poftele peste mine:))
I love this recipe!
Jenni Price illustration
Sounds nice and light!
bijja,thanks for stopping by!
Jenni,really light and great flavor. Love your creations!
Ce dulceata de fata esti Miti…ce faci? Toate bune la tine? Piticutele mele favorite ce fac? Maruntelele tale dulci….pupici cu drag!
Suntem bine draga Ruxy,maruntelele sunt in vacanta,petrec mult timp pe afara. Te pupam
Ce bine arata! Si ce mult imi place dovlecelul pe gratar :)!
Si sosul ala face toti banii:)