Saffron Ice Cream with cardamon and rose water
Saffron Ice Cream with Cardamon and Rose Water
Who doesn’t love ice cream? And who doesn’t love trying new flavors? This one is an Iranian version, I made a mistake by adding the frozen cream pieces at the beggining, now I know that I was supposed to add them at the end. It’s my first custard based ice cream, interesting,can’t wait to try new flavors.
1 cup milk
4 T cornstarch
100 gr sugar
1/4 t saffron dissolved in 50 ml rose water
2 cardamon pods,cracked
100 ml cream
One day ahead, pour the cream in a pan (a thin layer) and freeze.
Boil the milk with the sugar and cardamon.In a bowl mix the cornstarch with cold milk and add to the boiling milk. Mix until starts to thicken,then add the saffron dissolved in rose water.Remove and let cool.
Place in a container in the freezer and cover every 3-4 hours. Dreaming of an ice cream maker,until than I’ll use this method.
Before serving,take out the frozen cream , break into pieces and incorporate into the ice cream.
Stay cool!
15 comentarii
Licuta Marin
Mmm, ce arome apetisante!!!Trebuie sa fie un adevarat deliciu!Pup!
maria mihalache
Ce culoare frumoasa ii da sofranul.
Si aroma e super!
Uite pe cine am gasit eu aici! Foarte frumos blog! De inghetat am mai spus deja ca arata f bine 😉 Pupici
Bine ne-am regasit si aici. Pup si multumesc de vizita
In bucatarie cu Aziz
Tu cred ca esti familiarizata cu astfel de arome:)
mama mia ce buna trebuie sa fie! Pupicei
a fost,sa vedem ce mai incerc:)Pup
Ma asteapta si mine niste cardamon adus tocmai din Iran!
si al meu tot de acolo e:) imi place mult aroma
ce sunt bucatile de caimac?
Mitinita MiniChefs
Sunt bucati de smantana dulce,aceasta se pune pe o tava si se congeleaza. Din foaia inghetata se rup bucati,care vor deveni bucatile de caimac
hmm, interesant! !unde gasim caimac? multam