Sandvisuri gainuse
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O felie mare de franzela
3 triunghiuri de branza topita Hochland
2 felii de salam
2 felii de carnati mic,de grosimea crenvustiului
morcov ras
masline verzi
Cu o forma rotunda ptr prajituri sau cu un pahar se taie 4 rondele din felia de paine.
Ptr o gainusa se folosesc 2 rondele de paine.
Se ung feliile cu putina branza topita si se impatureste felia de salam care se aseaza la mijloc.
Din carnati se face creasta si ciocul.
Se taie varful maslinelor verzi ptr ochi.
Cea a mai ramas din branza topita se pune deasupra si se adauga creasta,ciocul si ochii.
Se face si a doua gainusa.
Pe o hartie ptr briose se aseaza morcov ras (se poate pune o rondela de paine dedesupt sa stea mai bine) si din triunghiul de branza topita se fac ouale.
Writing this recipe made me think of Laughing Cow,which is not available here,but it was my favorite back in Canada. If you’re making these hens you can use any cheese wedges.
Probably I don’t need to do a lot of explaining, made these for a challange I found on fb and I’m so glad I did, coz I was able to discover how cute food goes down better with kids.
I used round cookie cutter to make the rounds, spreaded some cream cheese,folded up a slice of salami and decorated the rest.
I’ve made other stuff too, I just need a good challange and my mind is working! Probably the littles will never again settle for a regular looking challange, but I’ll risk that!
2 comentarii
hey this is cute!! and i like the idea 🙂
@fennie:thanks for the visit and watch out for the next coming cute food!