
Condiment Cajun

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Foloseste la condimentat cartofii pai,puiul,popcornul sau carnea.

2 1/2 linguri paprika
4 lingurite oregano
1 lingurita sare
1 lingurita usturoi pudra
1 lingurita piper
1 lingurita cayenne sau boia de ardei iute

Combina toate ingredientele si pasteaza-le intr-un borcanel pana la folosinta.

I’m pretty sure it’s a Zaar recipe…I’ll update when I’ll find who it belongs to. It’s great on popcorn  and fries,especially,but chicken taste good with some sprinkled on it as well. Keep your eyes open for the next recipe, I’ll use it in it.

2 1/2 Tablespoons paprika (I use Hungarian)

4 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic  powder
1 teaspoon freshly grounded black pepper
1 teaspoon cayenne
Mix all ingredients and store in a tightly fit container.

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