Cafea cu Scortisoara – Cinnamon Coffee
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Imi e dor de amestecurile de cafea aromata si cum nu am rasnita de cafea (daca nu mi-a dat prin cap sa o cer de Craciun…)a trebuit sa ma descurc!
Folosesc bucatele de scortisoara,se gasesc in comert, si le adaug in filtru de cafea,peste cafea. Iau cate prind cu mana si le presar si apoi dau drumul la cafetiera cum fac de obicei.Barbatilor nu prea le place aceasta cafea!
Tot asa fac si cafeaua cu cardamon,desfac vreo cateva pastai si le arunc in filtru.Aroma vine de la seminte de aceea trebuie desfacute.
One day I remembered the good coffee mixes from IGA, I was walking through the coffee aisle just to get a good sniff. Those days I was enjoying mostly vanilla and hazelnut, didn’t think to try a replica yet,but I did make the cinnamon. I must say that men seem not to like it, which means more for me.
All you need is a filter coffee maker.Place the pieces of cinnamon inside the filter after adding the coffee. Powder and whole sticks don’t work the same as the broken pieces.
2 comentarii
cum fac la expresor cafea ca a ta? cred ca se strica rasnita de la batonul de scortisoara….
Cristina ,se gaseste in comert scortisoara bucati cum e cea din poza. Eu n-am incercat sa o rup niciodata.