Russian potato casserole
I was amazed by how my littles liked this russian potato casserole, so I had to write it down right away before I forget how to make it. We’ll repeat it soon!
Ingredients for Russian potato casserole
5 big potatoes
3 eggs
200 gr feta cheese (I used a sheep cheese,but feta would work too)
200 gr sour cream
salt to taste
How to prepare Russsian Potato Casserole recipe
Boil the potatoes in their skin.When boiled,place under cold water and when cooled peel.
Chop in small cubes.
In a bowl mix the eggs,crumbled cheeese and sour cream.
Add the potatoes and mix.
Add the mixture to the baking pan and bake for about 40 minutes.
I recommend Russian Potato Casserole
4 comentarii
maria mihalache
Ce frumos arata sectiunea.
Nu pot sa trec peste budinca asta… Mi-o pregatea buni in copilarie.. ca de, avea un gram de rusoaica in ea 🙂 Ii mai punea mult marar si usturoi pisat…hmm.. ce pofta mi-ai facut..Delicioasa !!! O zi buna Miti..
medi,supriza foarte placuta reteta asta!
Anto,am facut-o prima oara si nu-mi venea sa cred ce le-a placut maruntelelor,incluzand si mofturiciul. Sa-mi zici daca pui cumva reteta pe blog,acuma vreau variatiuni!