Roasted chicken
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Statea saracul suport in camara de ani de zile…la Pasti am facut curatenie si l-am pus intr-o plasa,am zis sa-l dau sora-mii. Cand am cumparat matahala asta de pui,am stiut ca trebe sa-l sui sus,dar ia suportul de unde nu-i. Intr-un final l-am gasit si l-am bagat la cuptor.
1 pui mare
1 ceapa
3-4 catei de usturoi
pudra de usturoi
crengute de cimbru uscate si proaspete
Se spala puiul bine si se usuca folosind un prosop de bucatarie de unica folosinta.
Se curata ceapa si se taie in patru.Se curata si usturoiul.Se pun doua bucati de ceapa inauntrul puiului si 2-3 usturoi.
Bagati mana ca nu-i faceti operatie,ii bagati niste arome.
Se unge cu sare,piper si pudra de usturoi peste tot.Se poate face o pasta cu unt…daca intreaba cineva,e lotiunea de corp a puiului.
Se mai pun si niste crengute de cimbru inauntru.Se mai pot pune bucati de usturoi intre piele si piept.
Se pune pe suport, dar precis merge si pe sticla. Se pune suportul in tava si se adauga cam o cana de apa.
Apa se va folosi la stropit puiul din cand in cand ca sa nu se usuce.
Am stropit la fiecare 15 minute sa nu iasa puiul zbarcit…doar nu l-am bagat pui si-l scot gaina batrana!
Eu l-am tinut cam o ora si jumatate, dupa care l-am scos de pe suport si l-am devorat!
What’s better than a roasted chicken, hot and just out of the oven? When you have it just in front of yourself, I guess nothing else can match up to it. I’ve had the roaster for about 10 years, I got at the Cookshop in Vancouver, but haven’t used it much in the last few years. I’m not reapeating that mistake,though I thinkmy mom really likes this gadget,so I’m going to give it to her.
1 roasting chicken
1 onion3-4 garlic cloves
fresh and dried thyme
garlic powder
Wash the chicken and pat dry.
Quarter the cleaned onion and put two pieces inside the chicken.
The same is to be done with the garlic. Keep one clove for putting it between the skin and breast.
Stuff some thyme inside as well,season with salt and pepper.
Rub the garlic powder on the outside and season.
Place it on the roaster and put it on a oven tray.Add water ,which will be used to wet the chicken from time to time.
Mine was done in about one and half hour. Enjoy!