
Homemade Panko – Pesmet in stil japonez

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Snitelele de porc japoneze sunt trecute prin acest fel de pesmet si nu prin cel marunte cum se obisnuieste la noi. 
Se scot vreo 2 felii de paine si se lasa pe masa din bucatarie sa se usuce putin cam 1-2 ore,dar depinde de painea pe care o folositi si de grosimea feliei. O felie gen toast nu dureaza mai mult de atat. Inaite de a pune painea la uscat sa taiati coaja.
Cand s-a uscat, se faramiteaza cu degetele pana obtineti firimituri. Acesta este panko,pesmetul japonez care se foloseste la tonkatsu, snitelul de porc.

You might be able to get panko,but I’m not. Who needs it anyway when it’s so simple to make. Once you’ll try it I bet you won’t buy it anymore.
You need two slices of fresh white bread. Trim the crust and lay on the counter for 1-2 hours. It might take longer,depending on the bread you’re using and how thich is the slice. For a slice of toast you won’t be needing longer.
When it’s dried out,crumble gently using your fingers.
I use it for tonkatsu,the Japanese style schnitzel,but you might find other uses too.

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