Bucataria internationala

Greek Salad Dressing – Sos pentru salata grecesc

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Unul din sosurile mele favorite pentru salate.

200 ml ulei
2-3 lingurite de ustoroi pisat
2 1/2 lingurita oregano
2 1/2 lingurita busuioc
1 lingurita sare
2 lingurite ceapa pudra (sau un sfert de ceapa)
2 lingurite mustar Dijon
3 linguri otet de  vin rosu
1/2 lingurita piper proaspat macinat
1/2 lingurita zahar (optional)
Se mixeaza toate ingredientele cu un blender vertical.
Daca nu aveti se bun intr-un borcan si se scutura bine.
Se gusta de sare,piper si se mai adauga daca mai e nevoie.
Se tine la frigider cel putin doua ore inainte de a folosi.
Se pastreaza la frigider.
Once you try kittencal’s Greek dressing you might not try other dressing. Even if it has 1300 calories, you won’t turn it down,afterall you’re not eating the whole amount at one time. I absolutely love this dressing and ever since wanted to find something with less oil,but same taste…no luck!
1 cup olive oil (or use half vegetable oil and half olive oil)
2 -3 teaspoons fresh minced garlic
2 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
2 1/2 teaspoons dried basil
1 teaspoon seasoning salt (or use 1/2 teaspoon white salt)
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar  
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)
Use a blender to mix the ingredients.
Adjust the salt, black pepper and vinegar to taste.
Let sit for a couple of hours to blend flavors.

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