Cute food: Vacuta Hochland – The Hochland Cow
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La noi s-a terminat cu sandwichurile banale,de acum inainte o sa am nevoie de multa inspiratie si cercetare. Noroc ca ies si legumele ca multe se mai pot face cu ele.
1 felie de franzela
1 felie de salam uscat german
2 triunghiuri de branza topita Hochland
1 maslina verde
1 maslina neagra
Cu un pahar sau cu o forma rotunda de fursecuri se taie doua rondele.
Se unge o rondea cu un triunghi de branza topita.
Se unge si cealalta rondea si se pastreaza doua bucatele pentru urechi.
Se taie o felie din maslina verde.
Din maslina neagra se taie bucatele pentru nas,ochi si urechi.
Se pune felia de salam peste primul cerculet si se asambleaza sandwichul.
Se pune intr-o forma de briosa si se leaga cu o funie.
If Hochland cheese is not available, you might be able to get the Laughing Cow (it was my favorite). I have a few new ideas in mind, so much to do so little time…when will this rush slow down?
a slice of bread
2 cheese triangles
a slice of german dry salami
one green olive
one black olive
Cut out the bread with a round cookie cutter or the rim of a glass.
Spread the triangles with the cheese,making sure to leave for the upper part a little bit for the ears.
Cut the green olive and the black one like in the image and assemble the sandwich.
I’m always on the lookout for new ideas,so if you find a good site leave the link in the comment box please.

2 comentarii
maria mihalache
Ce dragut …….cred ca maruntelele au fost tare incantate.
O zi frumoasa!
incantate,dar au zis ca nu mai vor mancare nedecorata:))) ploua la noi,sper ca la voi e vreme mai frumoasa!