Cute food: Oita – Sheep
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Ca sa fim in tema sarbatorilor care se apropie,va fac cunostinta cu oita …Zita.
Aveti nevoie de un triunghi de branza topita,eu am folosit Hochland,care a fost foarte usor de modelat. Se si pot umezi mainile,desi nu trebuie modificata cu mult forma,mai mult trebuie rotunjita.
Pentru cap am folosit o maslina neagra la care am adaugat urechiuse tot din bucatele de masline in taieturi facute in maslina intreaga. Ochii sunt facuti din branza topita si masline,iar piciorusele din bucati de masline.
The series of cute food are not over yet. I will always be looking for new ideas and I will probably stop the day the littles will get married.:)))
This cute little sheep is also very easy to make,all you need is a triangle of cheese (Laughing Cow comes to mind again) and a couple of olives.
Wet your hands and form the body of the sheep,place an olive for the head and make slits for the ears.There’s where you’ll place the ears made also from olives. Eyes are made from cheese and olives and the legs from pieces of olives as well.
4 comentarii
Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
Minunata oita!! Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi si un iepuras vesel pentru comorile tale!
maria mihalache
Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
Alexandrina,multumesc la fel.
Ruxy,un Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi! Te pup cu tot cu maruntele!
Cristina,multumim de urari si va dorim si voua un Paste Fericit! maine fac bulinele de branza.
draga medi,multumim la fel,sa aveti un Paste fericit si tu si George.