Bucataria internationala


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1 castravete de sera
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Se taie castravetii in rondele.
Se sareaza si se lasa intr-o strecuratoare cam 20 de minute.
Amesteca impreuna cu restul ingredientelor.
Se condimenteaza dupa gust si se da la rece 2-3 ore.

If you don’t know already,Andi of the Longmeadow Farm has many great recipes.The fact that they really suit my sometimes-picky daughter’s taste is a big bonus to try more of her recipes. This is a cucumber salad taken up a notch and with this I discovered that I actually like dill.

1 whole cucumber 
4 tablespoons tbsps sour cream 
1 tablespoon white vinegar 
1 teaspoon salt, divided into half 
1/4 teaspoon pepper, ground 
1/2 teaspoon dill 
1 teaspoon fresh chives, minced  

Cut the cucumber in round slices.
Sprinkle salt on the slices and let sit in a colander for about 20 minutes.
Mix with the rest of the ingredients,season to taste and let sit in the refrigerator 2-3 hours before serving.

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