Banana & Cocos / Coconut
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Acest desert provine din India.Racoritor si cu calorii putine in comparatie cu un desert traditional. Provine din carticica :”The Hawthorn Series/Curries”
2 banane mari
nuca de cocos
suc de lamaie,proaspat stors
Curata banana de coaja si taie-o in bucati de 2 cm,
Tavaleste fiecare bucata prin suc de lamaie si apoi prin nuca de cocos.
It’s one of my favorite desserts,mainly because it tastes good and is low in calories. Very refreshing.
2 large bananas
fresh lemon juice
1 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut
Peel and cut the bananas into 2 cm pieces.
Dip banana in freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Roll them in dessicated coconut.

3 comentarii
Spicie Foodie
They look and sound delicious! I can see why they are one of your favorites.
Being fast to make,refreshing and low in calories also are a big factor
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