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Udon sunt pastele japoneze care au o textura alunecoasa,sunt putin grosute si delicioase,ca de nu gasesti sa le cumperi te apuci si le faci…chiar daca esti la mii de km de tara  soarelui rasare.
Mare mi-a fost surpriza sa vad ca nici nu e greu de facut,mai ales ca am avut indicatii excelente de la Nona,indicatii pentru o reteta foarte traditionala. O sa ajungeti voi la partea cu saritul pe aluat:))
Ingredientele si unele indicatii sunt din cartea „The Japanese Kitchen” de Emi Kazuko .
1 cup = 1 cana de 200 ml

2 cups de faina
2/3 cups apa
1 lingura de sare

Se cerne faina intr-un bol si se face o gaura in mijloc. Se dizolva sarea in apa si se adauga la faina.Se amesteca pana se formeaza un aluat.
Se pune intr-o punga Ziploc si se sare pe ea de 100 de ori…nu ma intrebati de ce dar fiind un lucru japonez precis ca are o explicatie.

Se acopera cu un stergar umed si se lasa sa se odihneasca 2 ore,de parca el ar fi sarit:))
Se intinde o foaie de 3mm  pe o sufrafata de lucru pe care s-a presarat faina si se impatureste in trei,astfel incat daca te uiti la aluat sa vezi litera S (daca n-am explicat bine va rog sa va uitati la versiunea in engleza,mi se pare ca acolo m-am descurcat mai bine).

Se taie fasii de 3 mm si se despart ca sa nu se lipeasca. Tot timpul sa fie faina destula pe suprafata de lucru.

Cum se gateste:
Se pune apa la fiert. Cand incepe sa fiarba se adauga udonul 25-30 de minute si se adauga niste apa rece de fiecare data cand incepe sa fiarba.
Se scurg si se clatesc cu apa rece.

Tip: ca sa vedeti cand sunt gata,se taie un udon si daca mijlocul isi schimba culoarea din alb in gri este gata.
Se serveste in supe,udon prajit cu legume si carne sau ca atare cu sos de soia.


Fresh udon is readily available in Japan,but in the west it is usually dried or frozen. Here,it’s not available and I was so suprised to find out that it’s actually not very difficult to make.The first discussion I had about it was with Nona  and she told me how she’d put the dough in a ziplock bag and jump on it . I followed the instructions too.The recipe comes from „The Japanese Kitchen” by Emi Kazuko.

Just so you know,I enjoyed this udon very much. I served it with soy sauce and some yuzu kosho,which is made from a citrus native to Japan and mixed with pepper.
2 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cup water
1 T salt
Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre.
Dissolve the salt in the water,pour into the well and gently fold to make a firm dough.

Now it’s the time to put the dough into the ziplock bag and jump on it and I don’t know why but I remember that it has to be done 100 times.
Cover with a damp cloth and leave for two hours.
Roll out to make a rectangular sheet of 3 mm thick.Dust with flour,then fold one long side into the centre.

Turn over,dust with flour and fold the remaining third.If you look at the end of the folded dough you’ll see an S shape.
Cut the folded dough with a sharp knife into 3 mm thich strips.Separate the strands with your hands.

How to cook udon:
Bring plenty of water to boil.Add the udon and cook for 25-30 minutes,adding some cold water each time it starts to boil,until noodles are thoroughly cooked but still slightly firm.
Drain and wash well under cold water.
Tip:To check if the noodles are done,cut a strip of udon and if the core of the cut face is turning from white to grey ,it’s done.

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