Ardei umpluti persani – Persian stuffed peppers
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Cateodata mai raman in urma cu postarea retetelor,la aceasta am ajuns cam dupa jumatate de an si o postez numai ptr ca este diferita de reteta noastra de ardei umpluti. Ma stiti pe mine,fac retete romanesti mai mult pe la provocari:)
7 buc. ardei grasi
500 gr carne tocata amestec
50 gr orez
1 lingura ulei
1 ceapa alba
1 lingurita curcuma
sare si piper negru ,proaspat macinat
Se spala si se curata ardeii,ceapa se taie cubulete,iar orezul se spala.
Se caleste ceapa in putin ulei,apoi se adauga carnea.
Se caleste cam 10 minute,apoi adaugam curcuma,ierburile uscate,sarea si piperul.
Dupa 5 minute ,adaugam si orezul,amestecam bine si dupa ce se raceste compozitia umplem ardeii.
Se inchid cu capacul si se aseaza in oala. Turnam apa in oala pana la jumatatea ardeilor si dam oala la cuptor.
Se servesc fierbinti.
Persian Stuffed Peppers
Also known as dolmeh in Farsi , it’s a bit different from the regular stuffed pepper,the turmeric and the dried herbs bring a new aroma to this dish. Try using Iranian dried herbs if possible.
7 green and red peppers
500 gr grounded meat (mix of pork and beef)
50 gr rice
1 white onion,cleaned and diced
1 T oil
1 t turmeric
2-4 T dried herbs (parsley,coriander,dill,scallions)
salt and freshly grounded black pepper
Clean the peppers and take out the seeds. Clean the onion and cube. Heat up the oil in a saucepan and saute the onion. Add the meat and saute for another 10 minutes,after add the turmeric and the dried herbs.
Add the rice,stir well and remove. Let cool and stuff the peppers with the mixture.
Put them in a deeper pan and fill with water until it reaches to half the height of the peppers.
Cook in the oven and serve hot.
8 comentarii
Super bine arata! trebuie sa incerc si eu reteta asta. pup
Ma bucur ca te-am corupt si pe tine:)Pupici
Hristos a inviat!
Interesanta varianta… Noi nu prea mancam varianta romaneasca… deci poate o incerc odata pe asta.
Adevarat a inviat. Eu de abia astept sa o incerc din nou:)Pup
Licuta Marin
Aromati si buni tare!Notat!Pup!
Cat de bine arata !
Trebuie sa-i incerc si eu cu toate condimentele astea….
Duminica relaxanta sa ai.
Te tzuc !
Tie precis o sa-ti placa,fiindca am vazut ca si tie iti place sa experimentezi.Puszi