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Herbed Pinwheels – Rondele cu ierburi

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O reteta excelenta si rapida pe care o am de la prietena mea,o persoana speciala,Laura.
1 cup faina (cam 125 gr)
1/2 lingurita praf de copt
1/4 lingurita sare
3/4 lingurita de rozmarin uscat
1/2 lingurita de busuioc uscat
varf de cutit de pudra de ardei iute
2-3 linguri de ulei
1/3 cup lapte
40 gr cascaval sau branza
Intr-un bol se pune faina,praf de copt ,sare,ierburile si ardeiul iute.
Adauga laptele si 2 linguri de ulei,iar daca mai e nevoie se poate adauga si a treia.
Se pune aluatul pe suprafata de lucru si se framanta aluatul.
Se formeaza o foaie de 1 cm,se presara branza si se ruleaza intr-un sul.
Se taie 10 rondele care se aseaza pe tava de copt.
Se apasa putin rondelele si se da tava la cuptorul preincalzit.
Se coc la 200 C cam 15 minute.
If you’ve been active on the Zaar you must already know Loula aka Laloula or simply Laura. She’s hosting the Veggies Swap and she’s so kind and special. This is one of her great recipes.
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1 pinch chili powder
2 -3 tablespoons oil
1/3 cup milk
40 g cheese, grated
1 In a bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt, herbs and chili powder.
2 In another bowl combine milk and 2 tbs of oil. Add to the dry ingredients and mix into a dough. If it is too dry add the 3rd tbs of oil.
3 Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead into a soft dough.
4 Either pat it down into a rectangle or roll it out. It should be about 1 cm/0.5 inches thick.
5 Spread with the cheese and roll up starting on the longer end.
6 Slice into 10 slices and place on a paper-lined baking sheet. Pat down gently.
7 Bake in the preheated oven at 200°C/400°F for about 15 minutes.

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