Sandvis prajit cu cascaval
Sandvis prajit cu cascaval cunoscut drept si Grilled cheese sandwich este o bomba calorica. Cu toate acestea, din cand in cand avem nevoie si de putin dezmat culinar. Incercati sandvis prajit cu cascaval si cu putin ardei iute, mai ales cel murat, o versiune pentru adulti si pentru cei ce iubesc mancarea picanta. Incercati si voi sandvis prajit cu cascaval. Ingrediente Sandvis prajit cu cascaval unt cascaval Delaco,taiat felii 2 felii de franzela Mod de preparare reteta Sandvis prajit cu cascaval Se pune un cub de unt intr-o tigaie,iar cand s-a topit se aseaza feliile de paine. Le lasam sa se rumeneasca si le intoarcem pe partea cealalta,in acelasi timp mai…
Jamie Oliver Sandwich
This is the kind of sandwich that I’d love to see on a cafe’s menu. Perfect for summer! Ingredients for Jamie Oliver Sandwich 1 small eggplant,sliced – I didn’t peel mine 1 T olive oil – I used evoo 2 T mayonnaise 1 garlic clove,smashed 2 slices of good bread or 2 bread rolls 1 small tomato, sliced 2 T feta cheese,crumbled fresh basil leaves salt and freshly grounded pepper How to make Jamie Oliver Sandwich Brush the eggplant slices with the olive oil. Place them in an oven tray or under the broiler. Grilling them works fine as well. Cook on both sides until browned. Toast the bread or…