Jamie Oliver Sandwich
This is the kind of sandwich that I’d love to see on a cafe’s menu. Perfect for summer!
Ingredients for Jamie Oliver Sandwich
1 small eggplant,sliced – I didn’t peel mine
1 T olive oil – I used evoo
2 T mayonnaise
1 garlic clove,smashed
2 slices of good bread or 2 bread rolls
1 small tomato, sliced
2 T feta cheese,crumbled
fresh basil leaves
salt and freshly grounded pepper
How to make Jamie Oliver Sandwich
Brush the eggplant slices with the olive oil. Place them in an oven tray or under the broiler. Grilling them works fine as well.
Cook on both sides until browned.
Toast the bread or the rolls and mix the mayonnaise with the garlic.
Spread the mayo on the toasted bread,add the eggplant and tomato slices.
Top with crumbled feta and basil leaves. Add salt and freshly grounded pepper.
46 comentarii
Licuta Marin
Arata grozav!!!…O combinatie perfecta! Iubesc vinetele!…Pupici!
Ei,pai ce poate fi mai sanatos?Pupici!
Ruxy,cu mult drag impart cu tine.Precis e si pe gustul tau.
Licuta,nimic nu se compara cu vinetele prajite si am descoperit ca merg foarte bine cu sosul de maioneza si usturoi. Pupici
Teo,bine zici. Pe langa delicios e si foarte sanatos! Pup
Spoon and Chopsticks
Beautiful sandwich, perfect for summer lunch.
Neatza, Miti!
Pentru mine l-ai pregatit,asa-i?:)))
Foaaarte fain si consistent!
Angie's Recipes
This looks so fresh and inviting!
maria mihalache
Minunat pentru un mic-dejun.
Pup si o saptamana frumoasa!
Spoon and chopsticks:pretty soon we’ll be going into winter ,I’ll make sure to freeze some fried eggplant slices.
gaby,dau si tie cum nu,daca se termina mai pun si fac unul,e tot un fix pix:))) Stie Jamie asta ce stie!
Angie, come on over for lunch!I’ll be glad to make you one.
medi,multumesc de vizita.Pup si eu si iti doresc o saptamana si o luna buna de tot!
Adina , maine dimineta ma prezint la tine…imi pregatesti un sandwich ? din asta cu vanata si frunze, ca-mi place yumi,yumi.
Pupici si o seara faina sa aveti !
Lia,cu mult drag…te asteptam oricand. O saptamana frumoasa sa aveti si voi!
purabi naha
perfect combination of ingredients! I loved the sandwich!!
Cristina,a fost o surpriza foarte placuta sendvisul. Ma gandeam sa las maioneza deoparte,dar sosul a contat mult.
purabi,can’t go wrong with Jamie,right?
Jay,thanks for visiting. I like your unique recipes as well.
That is my kind of sandwich – it looks wonderful!
Pam,it just became my kind of sandwich too!
Excellent sandwich! Blessings, Catherine
ce mult imi place aceasta combinatie, de vinete cu rosii! mmmmmmm, deliciosssssss
that’s a delicious summertime sandwich. love all the ingredients in it.
Ce bunatate ai facut aici!!! Super combinatie! Apetisant!
super fain. ma bucur ca iti place Jamie, de fapt cui nu place? :)) zi minunata!
Catherine, it’s becoming my favorite sandwich!
Amoush,deci si tu stii despre ce e vorba.
Azita, from Khorest-e Bademjan I know about freezing the fried eggplant so I will enjoy it in winter as well.
Cristina,creditul acestui sandwich ii apartine lui Jamie…chiar e talentat rau omu’ asta!
Alice,de abia astept sa ii mai incerc din retete! Te pup
raquel @ erecipe
excellent this is great for diet watchers like me =)
raquel,that’s so true. I’m in your shoes as well:))
Mamma mia, che panino appetitoso!!! Mi piacciono molto le ricette che proponi, ti seguirò con vero piacere 🙂
Grazie ,Lucia!
Judy (Erzsébet Iudith Fat)
Am venit sa vad sandwich-ul asta grozav!! Felicitari!!!
Koszonom Judith! Nagyon finom volt.
Inspired by eRecipeCards
Beautiful photos… just love the whole look!
The combination sounds delicious. Thank you for submitting this to eRecipeCards.com. Everything worked perfect. Please consider making us a habit whenever you post anything new and of course, you are welcome to show off some of your earlier favorites as well!
Karen S Booth
That looks FABULOUS Andina! And I DO love Jamie too!
Karen, I love Jamie’s style more than anything! I can imagine one of these sandwiches right in your garden!
Si cu reteta asta poti participa la provocare, daca vrei
Betty,nu pot ca a fost facuta in august,am repostat-o fiindca particip la concursul de pe bucatarasele vesele. Poate mai fac ceva pe ultima suta…cu pere nu am apucat,se mananca prea repede si nu ajung pentru desert niciodata:))
Tudor Elena Cristina
Asta da gustareee…..!!!!!As servi vreo 2 bucati!!!Felicitari si pupici sii..spor la treaba
De cate ori vin sa raspund la comentarii imi fac fac unul:))
Laura Frunza
Doamne, ce pofta mi-ai facut! Dar parca nu-mi vine sa fac cu legume din astea care nu sunt de sezon. Ei bine, poate doar unul, daca gasesc diseara vinete si rosii!
Draga mea, uite rezultatul Provocarii :). Pup cu mult drag! http://andreeachinesefood.blogspot.com/2011/12/reteta-mea-de-suflet-pe-anul-2011.html