Tarragon vinegar
Today I’ve got two recipes in one. I’ve recently discovered how good is tarragon in potato soups,I had to put some away for the winter.
For the tarragon in vinegar, just put the washed and dried tarragon in jars, pressing it down and fill the jars with vinegar.
For the vinegar, just add some tarragon to the vinegar and put the bottle in the pantry for at least two weeks.
2 comentarii
strumfa bucatareste
socrela pune tarhon, e foarte bun, mai ales in ciorbele de cartofi si de la ea car si eu 😛
Super Miti. La noi se mananca mult tarhon in ciorba de fasole boabe ( nici nu o stiu altfel :)) ), in ciorba de perisoare si in cea de cartofi.