
Otet cu zmeura – Raspberry vinegar

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Se poate face la fel de bine si cu zmeura congelata si da o savoare aparte salatelor.

200 gr zmeura proaspata sau congelata
500 ml otet din vin alb
Se pune otetul intr-o oala si se da la foc pana la primul clocot.
Se toarna peste zmeura,se inchide sticla si se tine la loc intunecat cam doua saptamani.
Se scutura sticla o data pe zi.
Dupa cea au trecut cele doua saptamani se strecoara si se poate folosi.

Give this a try,it gives salads a really nice aroma,perfect for summer!

200 gr raspberry, can use frozen as well
500 ml white vinegar

Heat up the vinegar,just until it starts to boil.
Add the raspberry in a bottle or a jar and pour the hot vinegar over it.
Seal the bottle and place in a cool and dark place.
Shake the bottle once a day.
After two weeks strain  and it’s ready to try it in salads.

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