Orez Egiptean – Rice the Egyptian way

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Uite ca nu am stiut ca egiptenii fac orezul altfel,cum am vazut reteta bineinteles ca a trebuit sa o incerc!Interesanta.Eu folosesc o oala din fonta,la fel cum e ceaunul,dar innegrita sa nu gatesc direct pe fonta. E cea mai buna pentru orez ca nu se lipeste si nu se arde.

1 cana orez cu bob lung
1 cana apa
1-2 lingurite ulei

Se spala si se scurge orezul bine.
Se pune uleiul intr-o oala si se incalzeste.
Se adauga orezul si se prajeste putin,pana devine translucent,eu l-am lasat putin cam mult.
Adauga apa si sarea.
Da focul mare si cand a dat doua clocote,pune capacul si lasa-l la foc mic vreo 20 minute.
Nu se mai deschide capacul si nu se deranjeaza.
Nu trebuie amestecat si cand e gata apar niste gauri prin orez.
Se ia de pe foc si se lasa deoparte 10 minute inainte de a fi servit.

I had no idea that Egyptians cook this way,so once I saw the recipe I had to try it out. I fried the rice a bit too much,but it turned out ok .

1 cup rice
1 cup water
1-2 T oil

Wash and drain the rice.Allow the rice grains to dry as much as possible.
Heat the oil in a saucepan.
Fry the rice for about a minute,until the grains are translucent.
Add the water and salt to taste.
Bring to the boil for 2 minutes,then simmer gently,covered for about 20 minutes.
Wait until the rice is tender and the holes appeared.
Don’t stir while cooking.
Allow to rest for 10 minutes before serving.

6 Replies to “Orez Egiptean – Rice the Egyptian way

  1. Fix d-asta imi fac azi 🙂 si cand ma gandesc ce ma mai plangeam pe vas ca trebuie sa mananc orez..

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