Empress Chicken
Empress Chicken
Ingredients for the sauce:
1/2 cup chicken stock
50 gr sugar
2 T soy sauce
2 T white wine vinegar
1 t freshly grated ginger
1 garlic clove
2 T cornstarch
Ingredients for Empress Chicken:
1 chicken breast cut up in 2 cm cubes
1 T soy sauce
1 egg
2 T cornstarch
3 scallions
pinch of cayennePlace the ingredients for the sauce in a jar and shake well to blend the flavors. Place aside until ready to use.
Meanwhile, mix the egg with the soy sauce, add the egg,cornstarch and pinch of cayenne. Heat a wok, add oil and fry the chicken cubes. Don’t add all of them at once, unless your wok is big enough.
Remove and fry the cut up scallions and add the content of the jar. When starting to thicken add the chicken and toss.
Serve with plain steamed rice.
1/2 cup chicken stock
50 gr sugar
2 T soy sauce
2 T white wine vinegar
1 t freshly grated ginger
1 garlic clove
2 T cornstarch
Ingredients for Empress Chicken:
1 chicken breast cut up in 2 cm cubes
1 T soy sauce
1 egg
2 T cornstarch
3 scallions
pinch of cayennePlace the ingredients for the sauce in a jar and shake well to blend the flavors. Place aside until ready to use.
Meanwhile, mix the egg with the soy sauce, add the egg,cornstarch and pinch of cayenne. Heat a wok, add oil and fry the chicken cubes. Don’t add all of them at once, unless your wok is big enough.
Remove and fry the cut up scallions and add the content of the jar. When starting to thicken add the chicken and toss.
Serve with plain steamed rice.

14 comentarii
Cred ca-i delicios acest pui;cu siguranta-l voi incerca si eu;
o zi buna si o saptamana usoara!!
Ma bucur ca-l vei incerca:)O saptamana superba sa ai.
Rocsy Ciobanu
Arata super!
Multumesc,draga Rocsy.Pup
Minunat arata Adina!!! Cat de aromat e puiul… exact pe gustulmeu :). Pup
Ma bucur ca iti place si ca ti-am nimerit gusturile! Puszi
Pare delicios!! O sa il incerc si eu cat de curand .
Am o intrebare : oul se adauga batut peste bucatile de pui?
Oul batut se adauga in bolul in care sunt bucatile de pui. Super ca-l vei incerca si tu.
Delicious Flavours
Ce minunatie de reteta si sa nu mai vorbesc de prezentare! Felicitari draga mea, te pup!
Multe multumiri ptr lauda! Te pup si eu
Corina La Baguette
Arata minunat!! Sunt sigura ca ati avut pofta la un asa preparat delicios!! Sa moara regina de ciuda ca in bucataria ei nu iese asa!! 🙂
:))) chiar asa cum zici tu!
Licuta Marin
Minunat arata puiul tau!!!Super apetisant!Notat.Pupici!
Ma bucur ca ti-a facut cu ochiul. Te pup