Articole culinare

Cinnamon Christmas tree

Cinnamon Christmas Tree

Love this time of the year when we get to play so much in the kitchen…before the real work starts! At the bottom of the recipe see how to do this tree.

Ingredients for Cinnamon Christmas Tree

For the dough:
200 gr flour
1 egg
50 ml milk
12 gr fresh yeast
3 T of sugar to add to milk
pinch of salt
For topping:
3 T sugar
1-2 t cinnamon

How to make Cinnamon Christmas Tree

Put the yeast and three tablespoons of sugar in the warm milk.
After five minutes add the flour,egg,salt and make a dough.
Set aside in a warm place until doubled in side.
Roll out and oval shaped dough,sprinkle with the topping and fold it.
Cut the bottom part and roll it to make the bottom of the tree.
Horizontally,cut every 3 cm until the top,making sure not to cut all the way.
Open the dough and roll each piece.
Bake for about 20 minutes in the preheated oven.

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