Maple Pumpkin Pie

Maple Pumpkin Pie

Words are useless…it’s so good!

Ingredients for Maple Pumpkin Pie

130 gr  cookies
1/3 cup butter,at room temperature
450 gr mashed pumpkin
250 whipping cream
2 eggs
100 gr brown sugar
4 T maple syrup
1/4 t salt
icing powder for dusting
Directions for Maple Pumpkin Pie recipe
To make the crust,crumble the cookies and mix them with the butter. With your fingers mold the mixture around the pie form.
Let it sit in the refrigerator until the filling is ready.
To make the filling,mix all the ingredients,adding the eggs one by one.
Put the filling in the form and introduce it in the preheated oven.
Let it bake for about 45 minutes or until the centre  is settled.
Remove and let it cool on a rake.
Dust with icing sugar or serve with whipping cream.


22 Replies to “Maple Pumpkin Pie

    1. Eram sigura ca unul dintre comentarii o sa fie de la tine:)) Greu de rezistat unei asemenea felii…pai hai si sa ne facem de cap cu pumpkin pieurile.Pup

    1. toata lauda ptr siropul care nu-i facut de mine:))) nici nu mancam dovleacul pana de curand si acum fac pieul de cate ori am ocazia.Pupici

  1. eu zic ca e acelasi lucru,numai ca ei au o alta regula umplutura e jos si crusta e din biscuti atunci eu zic ca e spre asa as fi numit-o.dar,indiferernt de denumire,e tare buna!

    1. Chiar la tarta nu m-am gandit si chiar e cea mai apropriata traducere. Da,poate sa-i zica pur si simplu dovleac ca tot asa de buna ramane:))

  2. Te-am prins la dovleac:)) Dar sa vezi ce spanakopita a la Gordon am facut azi…tare priceput ii omul asta,din trei retete n-am dat gres cu nici una.Pup

  3. Ce bine arata! si ce bun trebue sa fie….Neaparat trebue sa fac si eu reteta asta, imi place foarte mult dovleacul, iar ce ai facut tu aici…e nebunie :)) Pup.

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